Thank you if you bought any of my books this past year.
Thank you if you read one of my books and went on to buy another, and perhaps many more.
Thank you if you took the time to leave a review, (either positive or negative) and know that they meant a lot to me.
Thank you if you left a blog comment, or wrote me personally, (ye****************@gm***.com) because I loved hearing from you.
Thank you if you took the time to tell another reader about my books. Word of mouth is the best advertisement.
Thank you for visiting this blog or my Facebook page. I love to hear from my readers.
Thank you for allowing me to do what I love, and I plan to keep writing in the new year. (Ha! Just try and stop me.)
Thank you for giving me your precious time. That’s what you do when you read, you invest not only money to purchase the book, but also your time.
Thank you for your trust, for along with your time and money, you give me your trust, with the expectation that I have done my utmost to weave an engaging tale. I keep that fact in mind as I write and ask myself this one question continuously—How can I make the book better?
Thank you, just thank you, and know that you are appreciated.
Onward to 2017!