Right around Christmas of 2015 my elderly father was admitted to the hospital after falling down. At the time, he was on his way to have a dialysis treatment. My dad recovered from the fall, but reentered the hospital only a few weeks later. He is now suffering from mild dementia and has trouble walking.
About a week later, one of my three sisters had a stroke that she is still recovering from. She. like my father, is in a care facility and receiving treatment. She is also having trouble walking.
Last month, one of my other sisters died unexpectedly of a heart attack. When I received the call and was told the horrible news, I was shocked to learn of my sister’s death. She was closest to me in age and we shared similar tastes.
Needless to say, my mind was not on writing and publishing.
However, after spending days wandering around in a fog of confusion and sorrow, I resumed work on my latest book. Although my concentration wasn’t what it should be and I lacked energy, it still felt good to be writing again.
You know, many of you have written to me and thanked me for writing my books, but it is I who should be thanking you. Without you to read what I produce, the act of creating would be far less sweet. So thank you for reading my books and for supporting me in my endeavors. It means a lot to me and it makes the solitary hours spent writing seem less lonely.
Anyway, over the past week, I seem to be back on track and have adjusted to what I’ve come to see is the new normal. Although my dad is still living, I can’t really converse with him as I used to, and I will never have the chance to talk to my sister ever again.
When I sat down to write this post, I simply intended to inform you that TAKEN! 18 is available as a pre-order. Instead, I bled all over the virtual page and vented about my troubles. I hope I haven’t been too depressing, but I guess I needed to talk to my readers, my friends, and to let you know what was going on with me.
Thanks again for reading my books. Also, please love and treasure your family. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.
—Remington Kane